Eggs for Bait.....


Well-Known Member
There is a certain manufacturer out there who claims they use an element of salmon egg roe as part of their 75 year-old formula for attractant on lures etc.

The attractant has other things in it besides that though.

Got me to thinking.......anyone ever tried extracting the oil from salmon roe and adding it to other oils like Herring Oil?

If so did you add anything to stop the oil from Borax or salt?

Something to do with the aminos in Roe being a good attractant.....
I send my eggs down the shoot at the amrina so they can hatch to become babies! ;)

But acctually had the idea of salmon roe for halibut bait as it is every oily. I hear it makes good sturgeon bait aswell. Must be stinky then if the sturgeon like it!

Yep they pretty ripe......

Since I posted I see that Pro-Cure already makes Salmon Egg Oil/Gel...and they make a lot of other combos that I was currently mulling I might buy their's and try it out.

The one I was originally referring to is made by Pautske in the states.

I just figured it would be pretty easy to duplicate with stuff on hand......but I wanted to give it some 'shelf-life".

We use roe for Stugeon bait just take a ball of eggs and put it in a small nylon bag and rap with a elestic thread calls spider wire( not the fishing line) This bait could be used for Halibut. They also used the roe for Steelhead!! If you use the bait be carefull where the roe drips it make one hell of a mess I have one year old roe stains that I have scraped and scrubed and this stuff will not come off!!!!!!
Keep the roe

I like the thread guys.

My buddy always takes to roe for steelhead bait. I'm thinking it might be good for prawns too. Waste not want not.
I have used roe bags rigged on the inside of hootchies with great success. The other folks on the boat laughed when I threw the first one down, it took about 5 min before the first spring hit off of otter point last week of aug. I only tried it cause we ran out of anchovies. The thing is the fish were thick and probably would have hit anything that day. Repeated success has occurred but not as many hits as the first day. The hardest part is finding the fish!!!