EBay Questions re:Sellers Obligations


Well-Known Member
So I'm selling some in line spinner components on EBay-it's a PITA but I want this stuff gone not much market locally.

I thought I set up the auction to just sell in Canada, the USA and the UK but now I get this email that tells me some guy in Taiwan has bought the stuff.

Am I obligated to sell to him or can I just tell him to get lost and relist?

FWIW he hasn't paid for it yet.

Your ad doesn't say anything prohibiting int'l sales ... so I think you'd be obligated to do the deal, or get a negative rating. If they pay and you have the money in hand, I think you're safe from scams. Is it that the shipping will be way more expensive? If so, then you'll either have some loss of $ or a negative rating...one or the other.

Or maybe he won't pay and then you're in the clear ... make sure the ad is set up to only show shipping cost to Canada/US/UK!
...... make sure the ad is set up to only show shipping cost to Canada/US/UK!
Yeah that's what I thought I did but I messed up somewhere along the way.

The negative rating thing doesn't bother me since the whole process is such a giant PITA I can't see using it much for anything in future.
Make sure when your setting up your auction you select ships to Canada only or north america, do not allow intl shipping.
you can also kill the sale still and say item was lost or could not be located if you want, just be carefull when you relist
but as already stated if he pays and you have money in hand you should be ok,
I have sold and bought many things on ebay ( 465 item feedback).
Normally your auction states a shipping cost for a country.. default is usa.
I have had people bid on my auction from another country And then send me funds via paypal for usa shipping.
I simply message them pointing out that shipping stated was for the USA only. Than I invoice them for the shipping to their country.

Check out your ad and see what you specified for shipping.
The ad says ships to Worldwide so you should ship it.
So he paid the dough and I looked up the shipping rate-10 bucks and it gets it in 4-6 weeks!

Sent him an email to ask if he'll wait that long if not I'll refund his money.
When I click on your ad...shipping and payments it says...
shipping and handling ..to Canada .........10$

Yes it is international SINCE ebay is set up to assume most things are shipped from the USA.

Just add a note next time to make it VERY clear..