Duncan just keeps sinking deeper into the ka-ka

And there is more--- notice that Duncan has refused to act on our behalf when it comes to allocation because he said he couldnt interfere with another ministry-- but he was willing to go to bat for staffing lighthouses

Campbell River Mirror


Vancouver Island North

By Paul Rudan - Campbell River Mirror
Published: March 23, 2011 10:00 AM
Updated: March 23, 2011 10:30 AM

The Canadian Coast Guard’s latest attempt to eliminate lighthouse keepers was quashed Wednesday by the federal government.

“As long as I’m around, I will always advocate for the retention of lightkeepers,” said North Island MP John Duncan, who also serves as Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs.

Duncan specifically asked Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea – the minister responsible for Coast Guard – to make the announcement in B.C. Lightkeepers in Newfoundland and Labrador will also retain their jobs.

“We went through this in 1995…my aspiration is we shouldn’t have to go through this again…(but) one never knows what a new government might do,” said Duncan during a conference call from Ottawa.

While Duncan’s comment hinted of a spring election, he placed the blame for the lightkeepers’ destaffing review squarely on Coast Guard brass. Coast Guard executives have tried to get rid of lightkeepers since the early 1970s, and Duncan said they seem to try again and again with every new government and every new Fisheries minister.

“Maybe they would learn it’s not on,” he said.

That assessment was echoed by Jim Abram, a retired lightkeeper and longtime advocate of maintaining manned lightstations.

“I think John Duncan’s comments are 100 per cent accurate that this is coming from the Coast Guard brass,” said the former Cape Mudge lightkeeper and longtime area director on the Strathcona Regional District. “That’s where it’s always come from and always will come from in the future.”

The decision of the Conservative government to keep lightkeepers follows a report and recommendation from a Senate Standing Committee.

The committee visited B.C. coastal lightstations last fall, including the Cape Mudge Lighthouse on Quadra Island. During their tour, the Senators repeatedly heard that lightkeepers are the “eyes and ears” of the coast, especially in remote areas.

“It’s people seeing people,” said committee chair Senator Bill Rompkey during the November tour. “We’ve fallen in love with technology and we think it’s the answer to everything. It isn’t. You need people to operate technology.”

Duncan said manned lightstations are important for several reasons.

“Lightstations and lightkeepers are an icon,” he said. “They’re important for safety, sovereignty and science. They’re a community liaison and a liaison with government agencies.”

There are 27 manned lightstations on the B.C. coast. Coast Guard wants to eliminate the lightkeepers in order to save money, but Duncan didn’t know what the cost is for the keepers at B.C.’s 27 manned lighthouses.

The minister also skirted the issue of scoring political points when an election call seems inevitable.

“I don’t care what what the timing is, I’m delighted,” he said.
Johnny boy is willing to stand up for a few hundred light house keepers but NOT 100 000 Plus sports fisherman!
He should be standing up for ALL of US.

He think knows where his bread is buttered..the commercial sector fish lords.
It appears it was not in his political best interested to stand up and fight for his consitients..
Oh well ...soo long Johnny..
I think I despise him even more than holmes because he is spineless!
He's a politician allright.

Evidently not one with any political savvy - gota agree with Islandgirl on that one...John should have had the savvy to think through the impact of pissing off 100,000 or so recreational voters and their friends and families. If the writ is dropped Friday, that would be the time for folks in his riding to stand up and be counted by talking to all their friends and family about voting that dude out. He had ample opportunity to support recreational sports anglers - now is the time for him to listen to the sound of our recreational votes kicking his not too savvy political a$$ out of office. I don't live in the riding, but Lunney who's in my riding actually supported us, so I'll happily return the favor.
I can not understand how any politician would think that 436 or so votes is more important than a 100,000 or so votes. This has all to do with orders from above and not common sense.
He is doing what he is told to do and say by the PM. That's the way these puppets operate on the hill just like the muppet show only not as entertaining. I think Johnny will be minister of Sweet FA after the next useless election.
if you hate him so much and don't like the job he is doing and think its so easy, then holmes why don't you run in (not this one) but the next one
if you hate him so much and don't like the job he is doing and think its so easy, then holmes why don't you run in (not this one) but the next one

x2...I've been wondering this same thing for a while now...
why have you not given it a go there holmes?, sounds like you could do sooo much better:rolleyes:
x2...I've been wondering this same thing for a while now...
why have you not given it a go there holmes?, sounds like you could do sooo much better:rolleyes:

In fact pretty well anyone else could do a better job of representing the constituent's interests in that riding. Duncan obviously cares little for those, and generally dismisses them out of hand.

By your somewhat sardonic comments directed at holmes, am I to believe that you SpringFever and spring time are actually in support of Duncan and his aspirations? Or are you simply taking shots at a fellow Angler out of hand?

..post #11 good one holmes :) ...there is a somewhat inexperienced person running that will probably win this riding this election....maybe next time for you?...

IMO..if people are looking to "send a message" then a protest vote is in order...
now where to give that vote?.. best be carefull what you wish for....

but here are my 2cts..knowing that its a protest vote(holding my nose all the way)

liberals brought in the 88/12 that has been this sites most hated issue of late...
NOT voting liberal, plus whats worse than a MP?....a blood sucking,bottom dwelling lawyer!(ya,I'm not a fan of lawyers)

I've been wrong before,but its looking like the next gov. will be a coalition,(dont get me going on the bloc-heads)
and to get changes,on any issue in your area,you need someone thats representing you that makes up part of that government,correct?
(yes duncan is in gov.and has let everyone down here...bad example:o)

So that would,in my :confused:mind,leave but one other(real) choice,a fresh face and whats seems to be(at this time:rolleyes:) honest lady in Leonard??...
Do I know where she/they stand on the 88/12 issue? not at the moment,and honestly there are so many larger issues at hand than, when and how many halis I can catch, and I take any words from any would-be MP(for us in B.C. soon to be MLA's also)on ANY subject,especially at this time,with more than just a grain of salt...

p.s. if you need one,I'll be handing out closepins for your nose at the door of the rec center on voting day....