Denman shrimping hole

Fish Camp

Well-Known Member
Had a few prawns here,small .whats to come of sitting on shore with traps in site? now cable bardge take it away. or do they make room for us to be old schooled here .what is our alowable distance from cable bardge with trap line?
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Hey FC--- can you please repost ---- I can't understand what you are asking........
I launch mystery beach south or union bay and spend the afternoon minding traps at denman island.the fires usallly still hot for smokies or freash shimp on a stick or is it gone? what are the guidelines on setting lines for prawn and crab around hydro to the south and cable bardge to the north
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the fires usallly still hot for smokies or freash shimp on a stick or is it gone?

You must be on good stuff eh?
I don't belive so.It will be interesting to see if anyone has set traps near a cable bardge .I haven't ,and the year comming i will be there a little earlyer in the Am and a little farther away from cable barge route.Will this cable disturb the shimp/prawns as it is drawn through the hole?Every time to denman dock the fire on the beach is still smoldering or someone is tending it.Days like these are what great stuff is made of, and i am on about 15 pounds deer /elk /white tail ,4 ho's and some of the good stuff i ask about in the denman shimping hole.
Fish camp, what exactly are you trying to ask here? The posts are really confusing. I am sure guys would be happy to answer your questions but just take some time to ask a clear question...
What is the allowable distace from buckly bay /denman cable bardge that we may set a prawn /shrimp trap ,line and,float?[video] 1XPS7Ao4&ei=fVw9VcOAIYayoQTKg4DgDg&usg=AFQjCNGe0f0yRvChslyTZCjMdi3sdr8pjg&sig2=fqcNwvt4Tqia0IaTc94a5gThere on the mark i speak of.
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