Denman Island Prawning

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
Has any one been following the Land Claim for crown land that BC Ferries has put forward for the new cable ferry. Yes a land claim.. If they get it I want to apply for a land claim on a couple of my fav. fishing spots.

The claim will go right over the prawning spot at Denman Island. South of the ramp already there on either side of Baines Sound. I have heard that the shell fish farmers and the DFO have no problem with the new ferry. Seems strange to me.

I will look for some links.
Sounds like a good idea FA, you could attach some traps to the cable on the way over, and pick them up on the return trip !!!
Already thought about it, but I would think the ferries would want a cut of the action.

Maybe they could get into long lining on this and other routes and with the extra revinue they would reduce the ferry costs.
Hey FA-- I know that in the past you have mentioned that the skipper of the ferry will go around buoys with the regular ferry... But personally I think anyone setting traps in that corridor is asking for trouble anyway.

The area that they might take for the cable barge isnt going to push outside the existing ferry lanes area is it?

Didnt seem to be an issue when it first was put in the paper... [?]


20ft Alumaweld Intruder
CL, the new route will be as you see it in the proposed area about 150m's or more south of were it is now.

Killing our prawning in that area.

A land claim. Over water. Crown land as they say. I want some of that crown land/pacific ocean if that is the case.

Whats next? You should see the claims I want. You will be able to fish on my land don't worry. But just you.:)
I found this thread asking similar question about this spot in another thread.[video] wqJSkuPA&ei=h3M9Vf2NOMa3ogS49YHYBg&usg=AFQjCNG7cdSuyn7xrkR72PEGfuHwW9mPfg&sig2=wfbMOIRBihkUxPoiTcVegQ .Any word on what sport fishing distance with trap line and float from the cable bardge is?
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