Deck coating for aluminum boat?


Crew Member
I am looking at different options to apply to the aluminum deck on my fishing boat. The existing deck can be a bit slippery when wet. It was suggested that I use a product called Raptor which is what is used for spray in truck box liners. It is tough, can be mixed with a gripping texture, is fairly easy to apply, will adhere to aluminum very well, is designed for all types of weather, and should clean up OK. Has anyone used it for this before? Thoughts.
I am looking at different options to apply to the aluminum deck on my fishing boat. The existing deck can be a bit slippery when wet. It was suggested that I use a product called Raptor which is what is used for spray in truck box liners. It is tough, can be mixed with a gripping texture, is fairly easy to apply, will adhere to aluminum very well, is designed for all types of weather, and should clean up OK. Has anyone used it for this before? Thoughts.
Prep is key need to scuff and clean the surface well. I have it on my truck it's pretty good
I am looking at different options to apply to the aluminum deck on my fishing boat. The existing deck can be a bit slippery when wet. It was suggested that I use a product called Raptor which is what is used for spray in truck box liners. It is tough, can be mixed with a gripping texture, is fairly easy to apply, will adhere to aluminum very well, is designed for all types of weather, and should clean up OK. Has anyone used it for this before? Thoughts.
Would probably work well, but I have to wonder what it would be like to clean the blood off of after a good day fishing...

...In my case I think it may be too rough also - thinking about bare feet on those fun lake days etc.

Edit: Also, just looked it up - Linex weighs about 0.7lbs per square foot. So that could matter depending on square footage needed, and how close you run to max weight on the boat. (they say about 50lbs for a truck box - depending on the boat, probably would be similar. )
Would probably work well, but I have to wonder what it would be like to clean the blood off of after a good day fishing...

...In my case I think it may be too rough also - thinking about bare feet on those fun lake days etc.

Edit: Also, just looked it up - Linex weighs about 0.7lbs per square foot. So that could matter depending on square footage needed, and how close you run to max weight on the boat. (they say about 50lbs for a truck box - depending on the boat, probably would be similar. )
Linux would add a lot more weight than the Raptor, weight would be minimal. The Raptor doesn’t offer the same level of non skid that Linux does, not even close. But Raptor would be easier on bare feet.
Back in the 90's We had 2 21' Nor-Del built Aluminum boats we used for herring scout boats and had them Linexed. It was awesome and cleaned up easily and believe me we had herring ⚖ everywhere testing for DFO
It is a 27 foot aluminum fishing boat so not too worried about bare feet and the weight is not an issue. As far as non-skid, the existing deck is a checker plate aluminum. Also, you can add a grit compound to the Raptor that will improve grip. I have ordered some to use as a coating on another project - I am insulating my below deck fish box and will use it as a final sealant over the insulation. Will see how that application goes and then decide.
It is a 27 foot aluminum fishing boat so not too worried about bare feet and the weight is not an issue. As far as non-skid, the existing deck is a checker plate aluminum. Also, you can add a grit compound to the Raptor that will improve grip. I have ordered some to use as a coating on another project - I am insulating my below deck fish box and will use it as a final sealant over the insulation. Will see how that application goes and then decide.
There’s a non-skid product called Ferro-Con sold at Industrial Plastics, have used it on the deck and gunnels of my aluminum boat and it has performed extremely well. Comes in a variety of colours and as others have mentioned the prep is key. This is the same product used by Silverstreak on their boats.
What we use these days in my shop is a product called griptex. For aluminum they have a primer. Sets up fast. Then apply griptex. It's also not expensive.

Consolidated coatings in Delta
The deck on my aluminum boat is coated with Raptor, it is excellent and very durable. It cleans up well. it can be applied with a roller or the kit comes with a gun that is very simple to operate. Can be purchased at Rondex and is also tintable to match any colour.
any truths to these rubber coatings ,that have higher carbon count, causing corrosion on aluminium?

some kind of primer or barrier coat needed to prevent it?
Avoid any type of rubber type coating. Truck bed liner material is a nightmare. It will also not ahere to aluminum without a primed surface. Might last for a while but will not hold up over time. You want a product with hard silica material for ultimate grip. If you super concerned about the consistency of the finished look of the product I would suggest doing a large area sample first.