crack in motor

Tips Up

Well-Known Member
Cleaning up the boat and giving it a look over tonight and I spotted a crack in the lower leg near the prop. Could have been there for a long time or it could be new. Hard to say. 90 horse Yamaha 2 stroke.
Any advice? Is it concerning or should I just keep an eye on it?

Thats an OUCH [B)

I'd start looking for another bottom end and hope it makes 'er........ keep checking the oil. You would wanna change it now if it turns white
Did you bend your prop shaft?.... I'd check
Looks like expansion from salt and corrosion inside the housing.
Quick fix, dismantle, clean, drill hole at end of crack and jb weld, keep an eye on it.

step up is alumn weld by some one qualified with cast alumn. I weld regular alumn with my tig but cast is tricky, possible, but tricky and beyond my compentacy level.

good luck, let us know what you do.

Agreed with marula. Take the whole unit to a propellor shop, they should be able to weld it up before it spreads too far. Also, remove your prop[ and scrape off all the salt build up from the housing as this is probably what caused it.

Thanks for the feed back.
I took pictures to SG Power this morning and they said that the cavity that the prop sits in is quite deep and the crack is well before the threads start. They said it should be fine but to drill a small hole to keep it from spreading.

I will want to get it fixed though. Can anyone recommend a place (prop shop) in Victoria? Can it be welded without taking the motor apart?

Victoria Propellor repair - which is actually in Cobble Hill- is where SG sends their props and legs to be welded and or repaired. Haven't had them do any work for me yet, but have stopped in and talked to them. Appear quite knowledgable and capable. Do work on large props for tugs etc. so probably quite experienced. You would have to have the lower leg pulled off the motor.
Don't have the phone number handy but could find if needed.
yea vic prop in cobble hill is good, my friends dad is actually the owner. i know hes always gtoing down to australia to wrok on the cruise ships and what not, ive bought a couple props there before:)
Right Yote.
I realized a long time ago in high school shop that with my "gift for machanics" I am going to need a good paying career so I can hire mechanics in my future.[:I]
I guess I can always use your boat while mine is down. Right?

dss here we weld that kind of crack 2 to 3 times a year with out stripping it. call me 250715-1159. in Duncan.
Thanks dss.
I have found someone locally that is going to fix me up next week. I am in Victoria so it is convenient for me.

And thanks to those who responded also the information was helpful.

I had a similar problem with my 1988 Yamaha 115. It was caused by a wack of the stainless propeller on an underwater concrete step while docking. I removed the propeller and bottom end and took it to a welder, the oil was drained and the plastic internal nut that holds the bottom bearing in behind the propeller had to be removed for obvious reasons but the bottom end gear case was not dissmantled. He did a great job welding and I faired and painted it, looked great. I installed the new plastic nut and it recracked due to the torque on the nut. Started all over and had a small alluminum plate welded over the crack refaired and painted it. The nut was retorqued and all is well to date, but I am having a heck of a time to get paint to stick to the area. Hope this helps.
Got the boat back yesterday. All welded up and look OK.
Good deal at less that $200.
Hoping for the best. Give it a go tomorrow.
