Crabs and their troublesome claws..


What do we want? STOP THE PINCHING! When do we want it? NOW!

Haha hey everyone,

I went crabbing yesterday with 3 people and we all filled our limits. We are from the Okanagan and want to transport some of our catch live back home with us. As you might imagine though, 12 crabs (more like 8 after we're done having dinner tonight ;) ) don't like being rustled around in a box together in the back of a truck (especially not for 5 hours), and they pinch each other too frequently and legs and claws get heavily damaged.

I have tried putting zip ties around the claws but because their bottom claw half is so smooth they just fall off after a while. I want to try rubber bands but don't know if that'll work as far as being able to stretch it and applicate it properly. Any suggestions on keeping these guys from killin' each other?

Also, yes I have a large plastic tank and an 2 line aquarium aerator to keep them oxygenated.

Large rubber bands are what the stores use for clawed creatures like crabs and lobsters.
Colton I grew up in a Commercial fishing family and we did Dungees for years. The best way to keep crab alive for up to 16 hrs or so is to keep them in a cooler with ice with a wet towel over the ice then the crab and then another wet towel over the crab.The cold slows down their metabolism and the will not fight and pinch each other. When you pull them out they are very slow but very much alive and ready for the pot. Counter intuitive I know but give it a go next time and I think you will be happy with the results. Even just in a bucket with a wet towel over them they will be fine for 8-10 hours as long as it is not over 13 degrees or so.
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Colton I grew up in a Commercial fishing family and we did Dungees for years. The best way to keep crab alive for up to 16 hrs or so is to keep them in a cooler with ice with a wet towel over the ice then the crab and then another wet towel over the crab.The cold slows down their metabolism and the will not fight and pinch each other. When you pull them out they are very slow but very much alive and ready for the pot. Counter intuitive I know but give it a go next time and I think you will be happy with the results.

Thanks Sentinel, great idea!

Would you think it to be okay if we kept them alive with the aerator and "undisturbed" in the bin for the remainder of our visit to Vancouver, (2 more days here) and then do your towel method for the trip back? They would have a good chance to all be alive through that you think?

Also regarding your method.. Is there any part where the crabs touch the ice? Or is the towel keeping them away from the ice. I heard it was bad to have direct contact with ice on a live crab. Maybe describe how everything gets placed into the cooler if you can! :)
I edited my post to clarify ! Touching the ice is not a deal breaker but I like the wet towel buffer. Also keeping them alive in the tank then transporting using my method should work great. As long as they are lively coming out of the tank that is. GL and let us know how it goes.
Agreed, hunting and fishing the catch should be killed. Making creatures suffer just doesn't seem right, hate seeing live crab and lobster in stores.

What makes you think they are suffering? I guess you could also surmise that fish are suffering while they are on our lines...
Think of it this way Blackmax. It is a stay of execution postponing the cruel and inevitable death by scalding in hot water.
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