Cleaning Carbs

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
Been told a couple of times that my carbs needed a cleaning. One place said it would be close to $900 and the other place said that I could cost around $400 plus.

Been told this service would help my old 2 stroke not smoke so much. Which I don't think it does unless there is a ton of weight at the back when pulling traps.

So with the help of a friend today off they came for an over haul. Took 1 hour and 8 minutes to do all three. I was so glad to have the help and a witness that my so called dirty carbs were spotless and did not need to be serviced. One carb a single speck of dirt in it that was removed with a Q-Tip.

Parksville Boathouse called it before the job even started. Being that I use my boat so much and never let it sit the carbs should not be an issue. Fuel goes thru 2 filters before being burnt.

Money saved mind at ease.... :)
usually the most common is water that lays n the bottom of the bowl. If it sits too long in there the aluminum starts to build-up scale...then that crud finds it's way into those idle jets.