Charlottes Fishing


Well-Known Member
Heard it was unreal from a guy who was up in Langara last week, he said each individual fisherman got into 80 Chinook in 5 days, and one boat from 4am to 7pm got into nearly 100 Chinook, anyone hear any reports right from a horse's mouth recently? That sounds pretty amazing and those fish should be hitting the island in about 3 weeks no? How long do you think it takes them to go from langara to say port hardy??
Just heard from my buddy who guides up there, tired of cutting bait by 9 am so put out the spoons but like Yo momma says all smaller springs but a lot of fun
Just got back from the west side of the Charlottes. Unbelievable number of Chinook in the 20-25 lb range with some up to 40 lbs. Boats were easily playing 50-60 springs in a 10 hour day.

Cheers. Resident Angler
Many of the lodges at Langara post reports. You can check Oak Bay, West Coast fishing club, and Langara Fishing lodge...they all have websites. Been there several times and yes it can be wide open as waves of springs come by the island. The best kind of fire drills with double hook-ups, cutting and baiting hooks as fast as you can. Can be salmon fishing at its best.
OK-- time to dampen the enthusiasm boys. One of the things the Haida object to most is excessive catch and release. They have forced changes to the fishery up there, and are capable of doing it again in a much more restrictive fashion if this nonsense goes on. They can read reports on hooking mortality as well as anyone else... if the report is true-- then a bunch of dead chins were thrown back.
I'm guiding right now at QCL and I can tell you that there is nobody catching and releasing 80-100 fish a day. lol! The fishing is excellent however.
OK-- time to dampen the enthusiasm boys. One of the things the Haida object to most is excessive catch and release. They have forced changes to the fishery up there, and are capable of doing it again in a much more restrictive fashion if this nonsense goes on. They can read reports on hooking mortality as well as anyone else....
Relax Grandma!

The fact is that local Haida rely on lodge jobs in summer-all kinds of them work @ different resorts and band members don't need to read on the net about what's happening they get text messages daily.
And as to a hundred fish in however many hours-the most I've ever managed was 12 in an hour and those were Coho-on Coho gear 12# test-this was @ Milbanke.

There were so many fish it was stupid but it still takes a certain amount of time to set a line/troll back through the school and hook up/play a fish and release it.I slacked off after an hour because I was tired/sunstruck and working far too hard.

In retrospect I should have been jigging.

So two Guys might get over 40 Springs in a morning if they worked like machines but how many mornings in a row?
Well Doggie--- I happen to know that there is a significant faction of the Haida that ARE pissed at what they rightly see as wasteful destruction just to boost the anglers ego. Anyway, you know what? I agree with them. It casts all salmon fishermen in a bad light. There is no need to hammer fish all day when its know that release mortality ranges from 10-15% for hardware, and up to 30% for coho taken on bait.

Govern yourselves ethically, or you could see heavy restrictions imposed . And if you dont think that wont happen, give your head a shake.

Take some time to read this paper-- perhaps you will better understand where the Haida are coming from (see- "Dont play with your food"),-Applying-Haida-Ethics-in-Today's-Fishery.pdf
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