Changing a boat's name


Okay, this is going to sound odd but I have always thought that it is bad luck to change a boat's name. I am interested in hearing opinions:)
if she`s a good fishing boat , i wouldn`t . but thats just me. heard of many good boats turn 2 duds after a name change. scotty
Thanks folks, pretty much what I had thought as well. I've had this boat for a year now, she is a great fisher unlike my previous boat. Not too fond of the name though. The previous owner, an elderly gentleman had named her after his long deceased mother and really took great care of of her. I have decided to keep her as she is and just enjoy how well she takes care of me.
His dead mother you say? Don't for the love of god change it. With some exception you are right, there is nothing like a mother's love. Keep the name no matter what. Whats the boats name if you don't mind me asking.
Yeah, I agree with MAXPOWER. I would not change her name.
We all have a little superstition in us, but change her name and you may be dealing with the wrath of a deceased MOTHER.
See you on the water[8D]
Very good decision Gerry:) Proud Mary is a cool name (depending from what era you are from I guess). I myself like the name:D.
See you on the water[8D]
I'm wanting to change my boats name - it's not as nice as Proud Mary - it's "Mia Anna" - people have a hard time saying it right and it's not easy to hear on the radio. To my friends they know me as 2MD so I'm wanting to change it to that. For me it's bad to have a name that is hard to remember and say when you are in an emergency. I've put a lot of work into making her run right and as far as I'm concerned, the old name brought lots of broken parts and hard work - I'm making the boat my own now and making her run right so I should be able to put my own name on her.
maybe if you change the name AND pack banana's, the two negatives will canel out and you'll have good luck. let us know eh.
Both those names are awsome. Me and my salty bud are trying to figure out a name for is 17ft Tyee.
Hey Maxpower, if you go on the internet and Google "boat names" one site had 14,000 listed. I had my decal made in Courtenay and while I waited at the counter one fellow was picking up his, The Knotty Hooker, I thought that was pretty good. Can you imagine if he got on the VHF and said, " The Knotty Hooker is going down" what the response would be....:D The Coast Guard in about 15 minutes and several commercial boats as well...... Striper Sniper
quote:Originally posted by Mikiki

Yeah, I agree with MAXPOWER. I would not change her name.
We all have a little superstition in us, but change her name and you may be dealing with the wrath of a deceased MOTHER.
See you on the water[8D]

"a LITTLE superstition"??????? :D
My boat's name is "Arvak" (pronounced "Aarvaak") .. talk about ridiculous sound and hard to pronounce. But the language is Old Norse, and in Norse mythology, "Arvak" is the name of the horse that pulls the sun across the sky... the meaning is "Early Riser"! "Ar" = Early; "Vak" = Wake up! I guess you better wake up early if you are responsible for the sunrise! ;))

I can't really think of a better meaning of the name for a fishing boat, and would never dare change it since the Norsemen were the first true masters of the open sea!:) If I ever sell her, I'll have to divulge the meaning of the name, and I'll betcha' it will never change - lest the buyer will invoke the "Wrath of Thor"! [}:)]

"Opp i Ottan", by the way, is Swedish slang (my mother-toungue)and has the same meaning as "Arvak"... Early Riser!
