Challange! Time to join a group if you havent


Crew Member
With all the discussions regarding halibut & SRWK I think its clear that folks need to research a group that represents their interest & join. Lots of discussions about who to join & that should be a personal preference. While I agree it would be nicer to have one larger group so that we have one loud voice, its not currently a reality. However being a member of a group is a way to have your self counted & voice heard. Regardless if people are split between different groups, because the sum of all the groups will be used to show Ottawa the total mass behind the movement.. (Hopefully that makes sense?)

After researching I found that the SFI is a good reflection of what I want. That said I joined today.

I challenge anyone who hasn't to find a group & join. Your concerns will not be heard by politicians by complaining on this forum.

Attached is my receipt from joining.


I honestly did not no SFI had a 50 dollar member ship under the membership section on their website the lowest I saw was 250 bucks.
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Same here. I called them and told them I didn't understand the $150 membership. He had to direct me to where the regular membership is. He says they will work on it.
I hope this thread is effective in getting the various groups properly funded so they can do the work they want to on your behalf. SVIAC has a $40.00 adult annual membership of $40. If you own a company and want to be included the the SVIAC membership rewards program a corporate membership is $500.00 . Corporate members can offer all members some sort of discount on their services or products and capture that business. As the number of our members grow the more business you will see in return. Obviously when anglers see that the benefits to membership include many good discounts on services or items they do or will purchase...that drives membership to grow too.
I did some research and also talked to a member on here (sfbc)who volunteers with various groups and organizations and is well informed and educated on all the different groups. I decided with SFI and joined
I pay dues to SFI and SVIAC
With all the discussions regarding halibut & SRWK I think its clear that folks need to research a group that represents their interest & join. Lots of discussions about who to join & that should be a personal preference. .
SRWK - Is that Southern Resident Whale Killers? ........ too soon?
For many years, SFI and WCFGA as well as local SFAC for me.

And members of WCFGA are also linked to the SFI as we have an Associate Membership with the SFI. Additionally, we have worked cooperatively with the SFI in many joint initiatives such as DNA sampling and Guide Log Books. Both the SFI and WCFGA allow anyone to join. Membership fees are $50/year.

That said, please join any organization that you feel can represent your values. We desperately need Rec anglers to be organized and speaking with a strong voice. There are many very good organizations beyond the WCFGA and SFI such as BCWF and SVIAC. Please join one and demand that they reach out to the other organizations listed here to form strategic partnerships built on a mutual interest and understanding.
Like Searun has said. Join what ever group suits yourself. There seems to be a lot of what group needs to be formed to deal with the present issues. BCWF has been here for ever to support all British Columbian's. There is no need for a new group in BC. Join a local group. Who ever you support will help in the big picture.