Cell phone in the Pedder Bay Area

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My cell phone dosen't like the Pedder Bay Marina area no signal.
According to another fisherman at the Marina his Rodgers phone has no signal either.
Does Telus or whatever work in this area, according to the Telus coverage map there phones should work.
Any Thoughts
My telus phone doesn't work around Pedder or east Sooke or Sooke or Renfrew. :(
I find that with Telus, if fishing off Sooke or Renfrew, it usually hits the American system, thus having to put the area code first and getting charged for roaming calls.
I'm also with Rogers. The only service that I receive from Pedder Bay to Secretary is when it roams over to the U.S......resulting in a bill from Rogers for about $1 / minute for the call. Therefore, any calls on the water are VERY SHORT! I'm not aware of any local service in the East Sooke Park area.
Thanks for the response guys.
I e-mailed Telus and they assured me that yes they have coverage in the Pedder /Sooke area which we know know is in- accurate (see attatched copy)

Hello Davie.
Thank you for your e-mail and interest in TELUS' service. We are glad to provide the requested information.
TELUS does provide digital coverage in Sooke and its surrounding area, and in the Pedder Bay Marina
Please click on the following link for the coverage map:
Thank you for being a TELUS client. Your business with us is very much appreciated.
If you require further information, please e-mail us again or call our Client Care Team toll free at 1-866-558-2273 (if in greater Vancouver, please dial 604-291-2355).
N. Carter
e.Care Specialist
How well did we serve you? Please click on the link to complete our survey.
Thank you.


Your original message is attached:

-----Original Message-----
From: daviemcc@telus.net [mailto:daviemcc@telus.net]
Sent: July 12, 2007 8:34 AM
To: Client Care BC
Subject: Cellular / PCS
Date: Thu Jul 12 09:33:44 MDT 2007
Name: Davie
Email: daviemcc@telus.net
Phone: 6049465415
Location: British Columbia
Category: Cellular
Subject: Cellular / PCS
Summary: Cellular coverage
Referer URL: http://www.mytelus.com/nv/faq.html
Response Required: Yes
Browser & Platform Type: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0) Remote IP Address:
I am at present looking to change my cell phone as my present doesen,t have coverage on the water of the south coast of Vancouver Island. Please advise if your cellular cover includes the south coast of Vancouver Island. This will include Pedder Bay Marina and to Sooke Area.
At present I have a Virgin account that does not work in that area. I also chatted to a Rodgers user who advised that he has no service in that area either, he also explained that when he does get a connection it comes through the American side of the Juan De Fuca Straight, and he is charged long distance rates even though he is on the Canadian side.
Thanks in Advance

Maybe if you could also contact Telus or Rodgers and complain they may be prepared to upgrade the service to this area as indicated by there coverage map.

Just a note on this: I talked to Telus about the expensive calls due to roaming through Verizon in the US... The client care personel actually had a pretty neat solution. They suggested to switch to a 10c/minute anywhere in North America plan for the fishing season. I don't remember the details & cost of this plan as it was last summer but I'm sure they have something similar this year as well.

Another note on negotiating with Telus if you've been with them for a while this will save you a lot of money: When you call in, ask to speak to the "client loyalty team", they are the only ones authorized to cut a significant deal in order to retain your business. Ask them what they are willing to do for you to sweeten the pot since you've been such a good customer for so long :) New rules in play since this spring now allow you to take your phone number with you to any other carrier, so they have to be more aggresive to retain the business they already have. It might take a while to cut a deal, they may want to see a contract extension, but you can leverage all this to really lower your cel costs & get a better plan while you're at it. Good luck!
Had another chat with a Telus rep. he advised that you will need a phone that has tri-mode feature, as the coverage in the Pedder/Sooke area is analog.
He advised that some of the LG phones have this feature.

I know if you use a Rogers plan cell phone, when we are out in Sooke fishing all our calls all go through the american roaming. You will see all the roaming charges on your phone bill, simply call Rogers and tell them you were out fishing in Sooke when those calls were taken and they will take all the roaming charges off your bill!... we do it all time... Our other cell phone is a telus plan,it is the latest technology tri or quad band, gps locator ect. ect.. Blackberry phone. It does NOT connect to the analoge telus network!! that is a bunch of B.S Telus is feeding you. It conects to the u.s roaming every time, does not even try to pick the local analog signal. Typical Telus B.S.. Poor customer service with only profits in mind.
Rock's got it right re the analog in Pedder/Sooke. I have a LG phone and I can't get telus analog.:(
Rock's got it right re the analog in Pedder/Sooke. I have a LG phone and I can't get telus analog.:(