Campbell River


Well-Known Member
Some good action from DFO in a specific area to target foul hooking, just close it..........

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) have been working with the Ministry of the
Environment and the local recreational committee on the issue of foul hooking
chinook salmon. Intentionally (willfully) foul-hooking fish or attempting to
foul hook fish is illegal and that non compliance may result in closure. (Foul
hooking is defined as: hooking a fish in any part of its body other than the

A regulatory change has been recommended and implemented for the one portion of
the river at the end of Maple Street.

Effective immediately until 23:59 hours October 31, 2009, that portion of the
Campbell River from a boundary sign at the end of Maple Street downstream to
the boundary sign at the cement block will close to angling for all species of

V.O.# 2009-356


Call the Campbell River Fisheries & Oceans, Canada office at 250 850-5701
And the snaggers will still snag, the poachers will still poach but us honest Joe's have one less spot to fish. The answer's not in closing every good spot, the answer lies in increased enforcment. Enforce the rules that are already in place. As if the the rule breakers actually read the regs or give a crap.
I agree, it's not our place to try to police the rules. DFO should be doing their job. All we can do is observe and report, and hope DFO will act on the info provided.
"Some good action from DFO in a specific area to target foul hooking, just close it.........."

I was being facetious........
quote:Originally posted by lazoman

"Some good action from DFO in a specific area to target foul hooking, just close it.........."

I was being facetious........
Glad we're on the same page...
I got news for ya fellas. The only thing that closure did was stop the caucasian fishery and snagging. Ya tons of guys were in there snaggin away alright but now that the DFO has implemented the closure, there's still lots of so-called fishermen there still snaggin, and the DFO is powerless to stop it