campbell river steel


hey guys.

long story short, i recently moved on to the campbell river (backyard is literally on the river) in to a friends house. i know there are winter and summer steelhead runs in there but i have never fished for steelhead ever before!!

Basically, whenever i have 10 or 15 minutes i go out and take a few casts. what sort of flies or lures/jigs would you recommend for steelhead?? I mainly enjoy fly fishin on the river but i have no experience in what sorta flies to use for them.... anyyyy help is appreciated.

Here's a link to a story that features a fly that worked very well for me, although I suspect most common steelhead patterns would work also. Be aware that the river gets very slippery later when the algae builds up too. Cleats or a good staff help a lot.
For searching below the fly only area try spinners, particularly a Silvex with the green body. With a spinner you can cover a lot of the water below the logging bridge to the Sandy Pool fairly quickly and if there are any players about you'll soon know.
Maybe see you out there later....when the flow gets down a bit.

Take care.
If the water is clear, use something bright such as a crystal shrimp or a Popsicle. If it's muddied up, use something dark like a purple egg sucking leach or a black rabbit leech.