
Charter Tofino

Well-Known Member
Alright weve all done stupid stuff boating but last night might have taken the cake. We crossed the straight to go fish sangster near lasqueti which is a pretty decent haul maybe 15 miles.Fishing was slow but still good night. Went to run home before dark at 8:50 and the main engine wont start.I was pissed its only got 200 hours thought about the curse of the merc i hear so much about. It turned over like normal but wouldnt fire.Checked fuses,battery connections,and gas. Everything was fine but even the pull start wouldnt work. SH*! its nine thirty now and getting dark.Only choice is to run back on the kicker at 4kts and it only has tiny a 3.5gallon of mixed. Anways 3 hours later we arrive around midnight running on fumes.Go back down this morn to figure out whats wrong and my dad sees the killstwich on the throttle is turned off!!Someone bumped it off while fishing and none of us thought to even check it!Shoulda been the first thing to check but my old boat never had it so didnt even cross my mind.[xx(][xx(] Lesson learned


Talked to your dad last night. He figured you'd be coming in after dark so you could see how the GPS worked. Me thinks you came in on the kicker so you didn't hit a log with the big motor.

Nice story, I don't believe you, lol.

Just kidding of course, how did the gps work??????
what kind of gps do you have kelly?

haha i never run in the dark. There was alot of debris in the water on the way over tons of logs so i knew better. Gps was good its just a garmin mapping 178.We followed our tracks back so we wouldnt hit any prawn traps in the bay. Fishing wasnt great though saw a huge spring just finning in the dead calm water beside the boat actually tossed a flasher setup infront of it but it spooked.Also hooked one at 20ft dropping the lines but lost it after it came straight up. Very very few fish coming in up here.