Boat stains


Does anyone know how to get the yellow stain from the bottom of a fiberglass boat? we were on the saltchuck for 3 weeks and tried various things but nothing seams to work.
Try GOJO orange hand cleaner,the stuff with the small grit in it,I had some discolaration on my boat and it took it off.Smells nice to.DAN
Doesn't the gojo scratch the gelcoat though? Making it easier for the algae to stick next time.
I've had a lot of boats (used) Gelcoat is a wonderful material, very forgiving. Have a hose in one hand and a piece of 400grit sandpaper in the other. Wet sand the bottom and sides, this does take awhile, after all discolor is gone switch to 1000grit and do the same thing. I use 3m finesse it, wipe it on and buff to a brand new shine. I usually throw on some wax after. This works best on white gelcoat because it is so forgiving in showing scratches. If it is white you can do all this in just a couple hours. If it is a cream color or any other darker color, after the 1000grit goto 2000, then buff. Anyway just my experience. I have taken boats that were chaulked white, and the original color is yellow...brought it back to a sweet original wet looking yellow again, by doing this.
Starbright Hull Cleaner is like Magic, just wipes on and rinses off. Amazing stuff to say the least. Sells a Crappy tire in a clear bottle with green biodegradable liquid.The white bottle no bio version works best but both do the job with ease.
Star bright is the best thing that i have ever used. The waters in vancouver wreck havoc with stains. Just remember if you use the full strength stuff to give a good wax job after as this stuff is a mild acid that will remove all the crap. Give your hull a good wax every 3-4 times out and it will clean real easy every time.
If you want the best deck wax, try woody's deck wax.This is the best boat wax hands down
We use Magic Erasers on our Trophy and it removes most stains as well as the wax. The stern is usually the worst, but this product works great, but sorta pricey. Check it out!
quote:Originally posted by Tailspin

Starbright Hull Cleaner is like Magic, just wipes on and rinses off. Amazing stuff to say the least. Sells a Crappy tire in a clear bottle with green biodegradable liquid.The white bottle no bio version works best but both do the job with ease.

Without a doubt this stuff is the best I've come across. It's like doing your tires and rims.. spray it on wait 30 secs, then rinse it off. They also make a mussel and barnical remover if it ever gets "that" bad.
thanks all, we'll give the starbright a try, the magic eraser didn't quite get it all. Who would have thought fishing was such hard work :)
Reading this type of forum brings a smile to my face every time. At least there are a few advantages to owning welded aluminum boats :D
Reading this type of forum brings a smile to my face every time. At least there are a few advantages to owning welded aluminum boats :D