Boat Numbers

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I just recently bought my 17'ft Hourston and I just noticed there is Numbers down the sides, what's is the law about having no number on the boat?
by law,;) you have to register and get a pleasure craft licence
with service canada (or whatever they call it)
you can go on line and print off a form to fill out and mail in.
they will send you the P.C.L. in the mail.
down side is you can likely expect a bill in the mail from
provincial gov't for the tax on the purchase price [V]
How long does it usually take to get the bill from Revenue Canada for the tax after you purchase a boat?
See you on the water[8D]
you dont actually have to register your boat unless your over a certain size or weight, or want a unique name, if not you can just license your boat at service canada , that is all i did , took about 10 mins in line, 5mins at desk and all free:D
quote:Originally posted by dohboy

you dont actually have to register your boat unless your over a certain size or weight, or want a unique name, if not you can just license your boat at service canada , that is all i did , took about 10 mins in line, 5mins at desk and all free:D

as long as it's 10hp or more, you're gonna need the licence !

What types of boats need to be licensed?

A licence is "mandatory" for all pleasure craft equipped with a motor of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more, including personal watercraft.

Pleasure craft of all tonnages and lengths may be licensed as per the Canada Shipping Act. Alternatively, pleasure craft owners may choose to register their vessels in the Canadian Register of Vessels.
yes you need to at least license your boat if more than 10hp but you dont need to register it, sorry if i made it confusing, but i felt like it was made to belive that you had to register your boat when in fact you dont need to "register", you only need to "license"
the two are different and one is easier than the other , that is all i was trying to point out