Boat Insurance

Big Green Machine

Well-Known Member
A 10 year old girl was killed in a boating accident on Okanagan Lake Friday. It got me thinking about my boat insurance. This may like a stupid question, but when I pay $500 for my annual policy I know this covers theft, damage etc. But does it include liability in case I am deemed at fault for an accident while on the water that causes damage to property or person or even worse, death. The little girl was killed when a 21 foot pleasure craft ran into the jet ski where she was a passenger. I know I will need to check, but what about all you boaters out there, do your insurance policies have liability or this something you need to pay extra? I know I'm covered while my boat is on the trailer obviously.
3 mil. liability costs me about $100. my opinion, every boater should be required to carry it. maybe not that much but some, even a mil. shouldn't cost more than a few bucks.
Under the shipping act all you need is 1 mil anything above is a waste of money as under that act 1 mil no matter how many people sue is the ceiling thats it they/who ever if they do sue 1 mil is the max.
Which is ironic as, the gov't run boat basin in Ukee, requires charter operators to have 2 mil in liability.
I have a liability clause for my boat under a rider on my home policy.
Cost me $50 a year.

Do you have other boat insurance for theft of boat, theft/loss of gear, sinking etc... Or is that liability rider your only insurance? Just curious as I have a new to me boat worth about $6000 and need to deal with insurance yet. Previous owner only insured the trailer.
Do you have other boat insurance for theft of boat, theft/loss of gear, sinking etc... Or is that liability rider your only insurance? Just curious as I have a new to me boat worth about $6000 and need to deal with insurance yet. Previous owner only insured the trailer.

I insure the trailer only ,if my boat was more valuable i would carry theft,fire,etc.
but at $400-500 a year for premiums , in ten years you've almost paid for another boat ?
thanks, r.s. I'm in a similar situation, but do need to get the liability taken care of especially in light of some of the things that take place on Okanagan Lake.
Most marinas now wont give you moorage if you dont have insurance... Shiat scott if we all thought that why do we need to pay insurance for a car then when its only worth thousand bucks????LOL LOL
seriously though I hate it as well try my insurance costs!!!!
Most marinas now wont give you moorage if you dont have insurance... Shiat scott if we all thought that why do we need to pay insurance for a car then when its only worth thousand bucks????LOL LOL
seriously though I hate it as well try my insurance costs!!!!

It's a little different on the road Roy ;)
if i had a yacht like yours it would be insured !
I don't have a huge investment, and trailer it
so it's in my yard most of the time.
Is it mandatory to even insure a boat for the basics - damage and theft?
not mandatory from a MOT or Coast Guard perspective that I am aware of. Its only mandatory for rational intelligent thinking people to have some sort of liability insurance on a boat. For morons its entirely optional ;-)
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