Boat floor core material

I’ve recently undertaken the repair of a soft spot on my boat floor.
I’m doing the meat and potatoes of the repair myself, then I’m getting the professionals to glass it in.
I have it to the point where I need to drop in the new core material. (1/2”)
I’m having a hard time deciding whether to go with marine grade plywood and epoxying the bottom and sides (for moisture), or going with starboard or something similar.
Does starboard flex more than plywood when you step on it?
Does fibreglass have a hard time sticking to starboard?
Seems like every article I read contradicts the last.

I’d ask the pros but they’re all closed this weekend and I’d like to get this completed ASAP.

Thanks in advance.

well first off starboard is not an option, resin/epoxy or pretty much any adhesive will not bond to it.

marine grade ply is the standard, troical marine ply is next best, both epoxy coated is ideal. but the best thing is something like coosa board, but in your case thats a bit pointless as its just a patch repair.
I had the plywood removed from the deck of my Seasport and now have solid glass...never have to worry again.
I had the plywood removed from the deck of my Seasport and now have solid glass...never have to worry again.
lol thats great if you want to rip up your whole floor, If I ever have to do another floor I would go with a coosa board core fiberglassed in, very stiff and less problem getting a perfectly flat surface compared to building up straight fiberglass without a mould, but I think he is just patching a soft spot and not doing a tear down.
Mine could have been done one panel at a time as needed as well. I just decided to do the entire deck while it was in the shop and be done with it.