Bivalve Shellfish Closures


Well-Known Member
Can some please clear up an ambiguity in the regulations regarding bivalve shellfish closures? In the table below under Marine Biotoxin update (open bivalve species), area 17-1 says Closed to all Bivalve Species so no confusion there. Now area 17-2 says Littleneck Clam, Manila Clam, Mussels, Oysters; does this mean just these species are closed as opposed to all bivalve species closed or are just these species open? I wouldn't mind collecting some clams or oysters where safe to do so but I'm having difficulties understanding these regs.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can set me straight.

Bivalve shellfish contamination closures​

SubareaMarine biotoxin update (open bivalve species)Sanitary contamination closures (closed to shellfish harvesting)
17-1Closed to All Bivalve Species
17-2Littleneck Clam;Manila Clam;Mussels;Oysters
17-3Littleneck Clam;Manila Clam;Mussels;Oysters
Yeah, thanks. That's the map for sanitary closures but I'm finding the biotoxin column ambiguous.
Those are the open species. I agree, the wording can be improved, especially on the map. That said, I'm very grateful the map exists. It's a great resource.
a great resource is the app called can you dig it it shows a gps referenced map of open and closed areas according to your fixed cellphone position.
the table says "Open Bivalve Species" at the top so I would think that the listed species are those which are Open ?
