Bigwave Dave needs help !


New Member
To start I "Hattrick" am not affiliated in anyway with's , but it looks like he needs some financial help. I'm a huge fan of his website and use it as a safety tool when planning a fishing trip and I know a lot of you fellow form members use it for this purpose too. According to bigwavedave's website he will soon have to pay the University of Washington $1000 per year for data from their wind model, he also has weather station costs, webcam costs and internet costs.

Hit make a donation on his website and and he spells the whole situation out. I will personally be making a donation and hope others will do the same. It would be a great place for businesses who cater to the sport fishing industry to make a donation or buy an ad on his site.
I read the page and I think that the $1000 is the agreement I think that we all should change our favorites page which we use to access the forecast to his home page and if we click on just one of the google adds he will get paid $$ He is running a deficit of about $100 per month I think that this is the least we could all do considering how valuable a tool this is for our fishing adventures. Or if you are too busy to do that you could just him a small donation.Heaven forbid that Bigwavedave would become unreliable because he had no money Or you could do nothing and hope that we don't lose this and have to depend on the Weather network We would hardly ever go out if we listened to them all the time LOL
ditto just checked out all adds great site always look at it before heading out for a fish!