Bearing Buddy flies off


Well-Known Member
Had extensive work done on my Roadrunner tandem axle trailer last spring and since then one wheel will not hold a bearing buddy. It flies off after a few km. The trailer has been impeccable maintained since new (5 years). I've had the wheel balanced and we confirmed it's not bent. I've gone thru 3 bb over a couple of trips. I'm certain they've seated correctly. Any thoughts on cause?
Hub bore must be a bit oversized. Take a center punch and make a bunch of dimples around the OD of the BB where it sits in the hub, the ridges around the dimples will tighten it up.
Ahh... warped brake drum? Don't ask me how I know.
you could also try cutting a strip of thin shimstock and wrap around the bearing buddy where it seats to get a bit tighter fit...I did that once on a bearing buddy that was a bit loose...
I would think using locktite 609 or something similar to that would also work. make sure the surfaces are really clean before trying that though....
I would think the shimstock would be a better fix though as it wouldn't be as affected from heat buildup (as much as locktite might be) if the hub gets really hot...
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Ok good thought I'll check brake drum next. Weird though my braking is buttery smooth. No vibrations at all. Good thought on the loctite. Never considered that
Had the same issue. After removing, checking and putting back everything I would just put silicone all around the bearing buddy tap in spread the extra around the outside. Never lost any after that.
I use a stainless clamp and a piece of wire to hold them in place. Started this about 3 years ago no more lost BB/s.
For sure the wheel bearing is slightly doesn't take much to get a wobble on the highway and they get chucked. It happened to me right after servicing the brakes and bearings.
Ill check it. I've checked temps of each bearing while running the highway. This bearing is 5 degrees hotter than all others. It's gotta be lose.
I found over greasing can be an issue, when the inner spring starts to move out on the b.buddy stop with the grease, also some good tips from the guys on other posts..
I found over greasing can be an issue, when the inner spring starts to move out on the b.buddy stop with the grease, also some good tips from the guys on other posts..
Bingo! Totally agree! Full of grease and warms up going down the road it will just get more room by pushing the cap off. Biggest thing a bearing buddy does is a little positive hub pressure so when you come off the Hwy and hubs are 180 and get plunged into ocean temps they don't suck water in.

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