bayliner trophy

Check it's an american site but there are tons of boats in Washington and Oregon that are way cheaper than they are up here especially used!

I do the Fishing, God does the Catching!
There is a Bayliner 2452 for sale on the Prince Rupert website, under classified. Looks like it has all the goodies, downriggers, gps etc. Looks to be a good deal for $39900 OBO.
As long as the boat was manufactured in North America (and Trophy's are) the border you will pay GST and PST on the boat, GST on the trailer and a one time $182 fee to Transport Canada for the trailer inspection. Once you arrive home with the boat, you will receive paperwork in the mail from Transport Canada (takes about 30 days)and you will have to take the trailer down to Canadian Tire which is the designated federal inspection site to have it inspected. This is a very quick 10-minute inspection. After the trailer inspection, you will pay PST on the trailers estimated value when you go to insure it. You have to get temporary insurance for each state that you cross. Fortunately, the broker where we bought our boat let us use the dealer plates and we couriered them back to them when we got home. Make sure you have the original title for the trailer, you will need this at the border or they won't allow you to bring the trailer across. The title/ registration for the trailer is very different in the States. After you get back to Canada, you will also have to register the boats K number, this will not cost you anything as you have already paid GST and PST on the boat.
Would you be interested in a 21 seaswirl with a 150 honda?a friend of mine is selling his.

thanks the runt
Maddgog- excellent procedure info. for buying a boat in the U.S.. your bang on. ! good info.. sounds very straight forward as it should be... in my experience it was a little bit more complicated...
-Make sure the factory trailer inspection decals on the trailer are readable and not worn away or missing. Canadian tire will lot pass the inspection ! They will make you contact the manufacture of the trailer and you have to pay to get new decals sent to you! Huge pain in the butt! I had to deal with Shorlander, big run around ect.. took some time to get the decals sent to me. In that time you can't buy insurance until Canadian tire passed it.. had to keep buying temp. insurance. waste of money each time and time consuming running around..
-When we had to finally buy the insurance, its not like your just renewing your car insurance, its creating a new policy from scratch, allot more paper work and time consuming for the insurer agent. We had to go to three insurance places before they agreed to do it...and you had to have all your legal paper work! we had a binder full of it!....
-At the boarder we found customs very vigilant. Took us 2 hrs to get through the boarder. They took our wallets and totally emptied them on the hood of my truck and sent us to go sit in the waiting room of the customs office! I watched the guy from the window and he inspected studied every piece of paper, credit card, note ect. for 30 min!!! then he studied all our sales paper and documents from the sale of the boat.. furthermore he went through my truck, opened my suitcase searched the truck. Ironically, they never searched the boat?! latter they took each of us aside one by one and interrogated us for 10-15 min. each to see if our stories matched.. ! I had to make a phone call to my home on my cell phone from the customs waiting room.. Ond of the customs head guys saw me smiling/laughing a little bit while I was on my cell phone.. he comes running out of his office and stare me down at my face and points his finger into my face and demands me to "END YOUR CALL NOW!!" ..."END YOUR CALL NOW!!" I had close my cell phone with out finishing my sentence... .. customs can be the biggest f'n butt holes!! Was not a nice experience....
Power Trippers Huh ! It went well for me until i was told i could take the boat, but not the trailer due to lack there of original title. That was fun to here. After a quick faxed in title from Portland and some immense sweating out of cheap/overdutied American Beer we were on our way again to almost miss the last ferry. I'm looking at bringing a Proline up soon to flip.
Hey maddog did that deal on the 27 grady your looking at go through yet???Let me know i'll head down south and pick it up with you!I'lltalk too wolf and see if he'll come too!!!!

Just Bring it!