Barkley Sound Lodge

BDog Fisher

Active Member
Having trouble getting in contact with staff at Barkley Sound Lodge. Not the first time this has happened either this year with weeks to months delay in return calls. Phone, email and Facebook messages nothing.

Anyone know if they have free ice for guests? Freezer space? Small anchovies for sale? Hopefully the service improves once I am there but this sure putting a damper on my view of the lodge. I don’t see this info on their web site either.


Get the owners cell. He’s a good old Alberta boy. They have lots of freezer space. There ice maker wasn’t plugged in when I was there in June. Lots of anchovies in the freezer but I think they were guides, I’d bring my own chovies.
Do you have the cell number? Only the lodge number on the website
I was just there. Lots of ice. No bait. No fuel and be prepared to pay out the wazoo to get your fish processed if you’re not willing to do it yourself on top of $3 per freezer bag used. We used 90 bags in the first 2 days then decided to go a different route on how to freeze the fish. We also got bumped around when it came to using their chamber sealers as their guided clients were more important than us. No hot water in our cabins and no new towels for 4 days. Food was meh at best.

I hope your stay goes way better than ours did.
Holy cow I thought things have improved after talking with someone recently. Really pretty lodge.
We just always put fish on cooler in ice, and processed when we went home.