Bamfield Moorage


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Anyone know of a spot or a buddy or whatever who can provide 4-6 weeks of moorage in Bamfield at the beginning of August? Need a spot for a 30' boat.
R Benham has morage secure dock min depth 16 ft. east side. ph 250 748 2086 Duncan, 250 728 3668 Bamfield.
Left you both a voicemail and a private message here. My mobile is 250-812-4377 -- thanks!
Many thanks to the SFBC member who passed my note along to Dale in Bamfield. Took the boat around there yesterday -- what a great place he's got!!! I owe you a case!!!

Quick 4 hour jaunt to South Bank netted us 4 fish in the high teens and low twenties. There's also a mid-30's now swimming around with a green/white spoon in his mouth thanks to my boneheaded move with the net.