Just had a crazy experience fishing Halibut near Bamfield. I think I now have an idea of what it must be like to hook into a big Bluefin Tuna. I was jigging for halibut 7 miles off Cape Beale with my line down about 260ft deep, when my line got hit hard...and I mean hard, like nothing I had ever experienced and my line started spooling out full speed. This with a heavy drag setting on a 20T Penn International with 100lbs test. So it was pretty freaky to see line spooling off at such a high speed. Within what seemed like seconds my line went from the bottom to the surface about 150 yards straight out from the boat, at which point I saw a large dolphin break the surface. It went ballistic jumping and running all over the place, after close to spooling my line, it finally snapped off. Hopefully the dolphin will be okay. The whole time it was going crazy on the surface it had a buddy right beside it.