Bags Zapped ???

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first strike

Wow, Its Sad to see that Roe Bags, the king, who makes people laugh time and time again, with over 900 posts all in fun. He is the one who makes alot of others come back routinley to this site. His most recent post zapped???

Edited by - first strike on 01/30/2006 21:53:32
I think sad is a pretty strong word, although it wasn't me that removed his post, one of the other moderators must have felt it was in the best interest of this site to do so. I do agree that Roe bags can be a very funny guy and is a great contributor to this site but this doesn't give him immunity to moderation. If Roe Bags or any other member has concerns they can email us directly at anytime and we will respond. To email us just click on our name and you will find our email address.

Cheers Kevin

MyEscapes Photo Gallery

Edited by - MyEscape on 01/31/2006 07:05:34
Kevin with you guys being the neew mods that's great and we all appreciate it however please dont take it too far.An angler posted a question about the cowichan and bags responded saying "march is a great time for fishing on the cowie with lots of menders present.This post was zapped instantly for what?That is true facts and anything but offensive in any way,shape or anything else!I now see this angler asking the same questions again.Who's gonna respond ifg they just get zapped for no apparent reason?Ive talked too several old time regulars-fins,wild one,luna and especially bags who say they doubt they will post anymore if the site becomes overmderated like fishbc.Once again you guys are doing a great job here i just hope the zap button will be used right!yours truly VINCENT K. GEE.

Just Bring it!
I will have a chat tonight with the other mods and agree with limited moderation. I wasn't on the forum last night so I can't pass judgement on what happened. We did agree on running a tight ship until things got back to normal. I have noticed lately things are 100% better then they were. Once again thanks for your input.

Cheers Kevin

MyEscapes Photo Gallery
These are just some growing pains to be expected. I think that when the dust settles, we will ahve a site that serves most of us well. We'll meet in the middle somewhere so let's not be too hasty on making decisions to leave the site ot not post anymore. It's all for the greater good and I appreciate that the moderators work with the site members here.
I agree with Vince Gee and others. Bring "Bags" back ...PLEASE!

The minute we lose our sense of humor and start taking ourselves and each other too seriously, we lose sight of the FUN aspect of sharing information and obtaining others opinions.

There is a pretty easily defined line between offensive behavior and differing opinions. Nuke the former but leave the latter behind.

The minute we let a few dictate whats "right" or "wrong" in our exchange of information, (as long as its fishing related information and legal) thats the minute I'll lose interest.

A couple of examples:

Is anyone else sick and tired of having to be exposed to a certain well known poster who currently resides in Thailand's self indulgent drivel on the "other site"? What does any of that stuff have to do with fishing, and who cares about his love life anyway? Keep it to fishin', keep your personal BS out of it and it works. Thats where a moderators intervention would be welcome in my opinion.

On the other hand, one can mount a serious biological argument that "menders" (often known as "kelts")should be the ONLY type of steelhead we're allowed to pursue. Think about it...

- they've already spawned and contributed to future populations. Their job is done and now they can chill out, hang out in the flow for a while, and PIG OUT on bugs and fry (oops, did I say that?)before heading out to the guantlet that waits them in the chuck.

- their chances of survival long enough to spawn again, while varying depending on system, are typically pretty damn slim. The chances are they'll end up in a gillnet or a seals gut before you'll ever set the hook in to them.

- they fight like hell and taste like sh*t. Not exactly going to encourage a meat fishery!

So....the next time someone tells you that the fish you've just landed is "only" a kelt", just smile, and let him know what a better conservationist you are than him, the "chromer killer"!

Lets see if this one makes it past moderation for a while!!!

Just so everyone knows, we already took care of the "other roe_bags" and roe bags with over 900 posts is not banned nor do I think he ever will be. Remeber we encourage peoples opinions on this site even if some of us don't agree with them. Thats why it's called a discussion group.

Cheers ME

MyEscapes Photo Gallery

Edited by - MyEscape on 01/31/2006 16:05:33
Well said gooey that is one of the best posts ive read in a while.This site is definately taking some good steps.......

Just Bring it!

Edited by - MyEscape on 01/31/2006 18:43:35
Freedom of Speach shall not apply here, "Supergrass has a song called alright" that describes this whole siuation admriably.Although not inadmissible, I do think this recent rash of moderation is a shock to many as the site went unequipped with it for so long! Must we now be completly inobtrusive?

Hats off to the new chieftain and your toned down, new,lets say commonsensical approach! However, do be assiduous in choosing who and why ones comments are edited. Some of us moth-eaten old fellas do enjoy the youthful approach to this board even though half-grown at times. My intentions are not toe stepping. Good day, Billy.