B.C. Orcas' Rare Beach-Rubbing Behaviour Caught on Video

Good clear video, but not all that uncommon behavior, and certainly not rare for the northern residents. If you have ever seen Orcas frolicking in kelp beds, you can see how enjoyable the feel of even the fronds passing over their skin is. I would think the feeling of the stones is pleasurable as well.
Hey, GF and I are going to spend a week in Port McNeill before we go to Renfrew this year. We'll be there mid June. I've seen whales a couple of times but off in The distance and not Orcas. My girlfriend has never focused quite fast enough to get a good look. Id like to surprise her this year. I know you can't depend on them to be where You need them to be but I'm looking for a general vicinity to check out. I know the rules and regs for whale watching so I'm not an amateur out to harass the whales, just want my better half to have the experience. Thanks for any tips.
Hey, GF and I are going to spend a week in Port McNeill before we go to Renfrew this year. We'll be there mid June. I've seen whales a couple of times but off in The distance and not Orcas. My girlfriend has never focused quite fast enough to get a good look. Id like to surprise her this year. I know you can't depend on them to be where You need them to be but I'm looking for a general vicinity to check out. I know the rules and regs for whale watching so I'm not an amateur out to harass the whales, just want my better half to have the experience. Thanks for any tips.
Clint - I see whales on many of my trips out to Swiftsure bank (off the west end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca). I see humpbacks about 40% of the time and Orcas about 20% of the time. That's a pretty good area for whale sightings.
Thanks for that. We fish renfrew every year(nearly) and haven't been able to spot a whale yet. Two harbour porpoises surfaced right behind our boat last trip. Very cool but not on the scale a large whale would be. Fished out of Port Hardy a few years ago and I saw at least three different humpbacks breach I. The distance. Colleen was two slow to spot them but did see a few porpoises when we ran to Port McNeill. Will be in Port Renfrew after mid June this year. A little later than normal for us. Any preferred month for whales? Unfortunately my boats not big enough to head offshore but we can and do travel up and down the coast a few kilometres. Usually.
In one of the clips a person reaching out over water to get a picture .5' feet from the whale .I think they were hungery and waiting there moment to eat.Last i heard the whales can beach themselves praying on mamales.After all the whales have earnd the name killer whale.Too close to unpredictable wildlife.thanks for the clip.
They are of the dolphin family and got the name Killer Whale because the Spanish explorers saw them attacking grey whales off Monterey, CA. We still get a few attacks witnessed by the whale watch boats. As to Port McNeill, you need to check where the Northern group is. Last time we were at Telegraph cove, the Orcas were north quite a ways. We did have a Minke whale swim near us. Listen to the whale watch boats. They work together so all are successful. They even appreciate fisherman telling them there are whales near the boat.
Have had the great pleasure seeing Orcas off Stevens on a few occasions. One time a pod of 6-7 went smokin past my boat at about 10-15 yards on a mission I'd say. Kept watching and a couple hundred yards later they were feeding. I am very fortunate to have seen such a creature. They truly amaze!! Great clip!!
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[video]https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCEQyCkwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D-69X6y2H6_U&ei=BB7gVM_nH8bloATdi4KYDQ&usg=AFQjCNEEdFg9bjBonvZ-avFoNVypHcmizA&sig2=AfU7TlMURECprtLELY2CPAgetting close to unpridictable animals is not good practice.
Bere Point on the back side of Malcolm Island is where I have witnessed the Orcas rubbing many times. There is a camp ground there as well. Good salmon and Hali in the area
as well. June and July when the pod is around!
Thanks a lot. That's the info I was after. We'll be there around mid June. I'm going to need to buy a chart of the area. Are they available at any tackle shop or ?.
Bere Point on the back side of Malcolm Island is where I have witnessed the Orcas rubbing many times. There is a camp ground there as well. Good salmon and Hali in the area
as well. June and July when the pod is around!

I've enjoyed many days watching that pod on Van isle across from Malcolm Island. They would come so close to the edge of the beach, passing between the anchored boat 30ft off from our camp. The dogs would run to the shore and we knew they were coming. Great fishing agreed.