Are there any sockeye left in the canel??

QB fisher

We are booked into China cr for a week starting tomorrow ,,but with 100,000 for the seiner's and 65,000 for the gillnets , has anyone seen fish caught by rec fisher's this morrnig? or would it be best to postpone trip for a few days ,if we can?, DFO what a great job you are doing ( NOT )
Thanks Dave
to answer your question...

1) it is a canal, but more appropriately an Inlet.

2) yes, of course there are still fish around... the commies arent going to scoop everything up, but on days that they are out there, gameplans may have to be adjusted slightly.
considering the costs ,
if ya have the option , next week would be my choice , if i was exclusively seeking Sox ,
BUT !!! , if u are booked with no choice , give it a whirl first light , if its not productive in the canal ?
i can confirm very decent reports deep in the Sound for mostlty
teeners , and sum decent Coho milling about , look at the weather man !! its called fishin , NOT catchin....
no what , i betcha you'll still have a great time...

id rather be out there than in here lol..


We are booked into China cr for a week starting tomorrow ,,but with 100,000 for the seiner's and 65,000 for the gillnets , has anyone seen fish caught by rec fisher's this morrnig? or would it be best to postpone trip for a few days ,if we can?, DFO what a great job you are doing ( NOT )
Thanks Dave
The wife and I got 6 yesterday in 8 hours of trolling. Today we got 1 trolling for7 hours. It was a wee bit slow.
I dont know if it is spotty or what, but report from my buddy states that they had limits by 9am, even though they had to work a bit harder than normal for them near nahmint.
There are a ton of them. Don't worry. Got 25 today and 20 yesterday. All at 45 feet pulling pink/black. Nahmint was even better than Cous Ck which is where we were fishing. Enjoy!!!