Last year out of Bamfield we had an absolutely amazing time on the water for 2-1/2 days of guided fishing offshore. I tend to like to do a lot of my own stuff while on guided trips. Hook my rod on the riggers and set the hooks and all that sort of stuff. Some guides don't mind, they just let me know not to be pi$$ed at them if I lose fish on my rod. I would never get upset at them for lost fish, and I replace any gear I lose from my stupidity. I know what I'm doing for the most part, and actually didn't lose any hookups because of things I did wrong. It was a good trip. All I asked of the guide was that he did everything for my wife, as she is very inexperienced. He did an amazing job and she actually ranks that trip as one of her all time favorite holidays, ever. It was like we were fishing with a old buddy, we got along that well. I ended up leaving him all the cash I had, $335. If I had more, I would have left it. It was that much fun. He is actually guiding in Winter Harbour right now and I'm trying to figure out how to get up there to fish with him again. Can't find any of my friends that want to go up with me and split the cost though. Still some time left I guess. I'll keep searching, as I would really like to fish with him again this year.