anyone else lose their prawn traps from coles/pat bay?


Went out to check on my traps this morning and one of the two sets has disappeared since yesterday mid-day. It seems that there were noticeably fewer floats today than yesterday morning as well. If you've kept your traps soaking in that area, you might be in for a rude surprise.

there was a pretty wicked wind yesterday..possible your traps got lifted into deeper water... not saying they didn't get lifted but possibility.
It's unlikely it got blown anywhere, as I use a fairly small float to not draw the attention of thieves from a distance. I suppose someone may have cut it off with their prop, and the leaded line sunk, but as i mentioned it seemed like there were visibly fewer traps than there had been yesterday. It's been an expensive year for me.
Don't know what to think of what's been happening in the inlet this year.Awful lot of small pot pulls and missing traps.
Was thinking of throwing my 4 traps down for a few days while a buddy of mine is prawning but it would mean having
to leave them overnite.Don't think I'm gonna risk it now.It was only 2-3 years ago I'd just leave them in for an overnite soak and never had a single problem for years.Strange no one has seen any suspicious activity though.I wonder if it
could be some sort of night time operation or if that would even be possible.They would certainly need a good light source and that would be very noticeable from shore at night.Pisses me off to even have to worry about it at all!!
I know this may sound like a longshot and maybe a little bit of extra work but, if any of you people that are soaking your traps have got a view from your house, of your trap, it might be worth setting up a half decent dslr camera with a telephoto lens on it to take photos every thirty seconds and get a solid time lapse view. You would in theory, hopefully be able to get a basic shot of boat type, and maybe even a name or license number off the stern or side of the hull...
I guess I've been lucky then. I've fished Pat Bay since the opening and not lost any traps. I suspect they've been lifted a couple of times and prawns taken.They can't drift away because I've got 10lb of lead on each side of the traps. That way you can't lift them by hand easily. After I check them tomorrow I'm done for the year. Fingers crossed.........