Anyone catching Coho with salmon smolts inside them during the fall in Juan de Fuca


Well-Known Member
I recall reading a post on this in the past. Please reply or fire me a PM if you have encountered this before,

Don't remember any last year but had quite a few the year before
I got a coho last year off the Victoria waterfront that had eaten a smolt. I think I even posted a picture of the smolt to try and ID it. I think we decided it was a sockeye but that's just best guess.
Bugs: I catch several coho each year with salmon smolts in their stomachs (I do check the stomach contents often if I notice they are not empty). Last year checked 4 hatchery coho one day - one had two smolts, one had one smolt and the other two none. This is common if bait numbers are low and smolts are present the coho will eat them! I am fishing Beecher Bay to Secretary area.

Thanks for the feedback guys. KK are you sure they were coho shakers, these should be a good size (say 9") by the late fall? Could they have been Sockeye?


Same as Rob get a few every year. 2 years ago I got a 14 pound coho that had 7 coho shakers inside.

I've found salmon and a hake in a coho. Couldn't believe the hake.
Both fish are from down near Tacoma, WA. Was way out in about 500 feet of water and saw a giant ball of something on the screen at 250' Ran the downrigger out as far as I could...about 190 feet and ran into this coho. This was from 2012.

The is from this year. Same spot, but only about 90 feet of cable out. Those are 3 salmon.
