And so it begins, by Bob Hooton.


Well-Known Member
And so it begins. A similar notice appeared in late August 2021. It was followed by a response from government that amounted to nothing more than a heads up to anglers to be aware they should seek permission from Gitxsan authorities to fish waters within their traditional territory. The story all but disappeared thereafter. I wouldn't count on the same outcome this time. The sabre rattling by First Nations and government responses in more recent times imply anglers and angling are far more jeopardized today.
Stay tuned. I've referred the notices to the steelhead powers that be in the provincial government and asked for direction on where to from here. I don't envy the position they find themselves in.


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Bob Hooton

7h ·

The plot thickens. Here is the latest on that Gitxsan declaration "outlawing" angling in their traditional territory. This from the Minister ultimately responsible for the steelhead fishery on June 7. Notice the mention of technical tables where broader fisheries management issues are resolved. I wonder who gets to play? I'm also curious about that Gitxsan Watershed Strategic Engagement Agreement. Anyone ever heard of it? How about those provincial regulations for recreational fishing developed through First Nations' consultation and all that public and stakeholder engagement. Just who was "the public and stakeholders"?
Why worry, though? This is only most of the mainstem Skeena, Bulkley and Babine rivers plus all of a few others such as Kitwanga, Suskwa, Kispiox and Sustut.
It’s an interesting part of the dynamic that from a demographic standpoint, the FN groups are growing in that area at a more rapid pace than the non-FN groups. Along with that growth comes political clout. They’ve been threatening these angling closures for over a decade. The KIspiox Band privatized some of the best runs on the Kispiox 10 years ago (hand in hand with the guiding community who thought that would be a great idea to get rid of those pesky DIY guys who beat them to the runs). They turned it into a pay-to-play (on top of the Provincial angling fees) and gloated about what a slick move that was.

We’re going to see lots more of that. No doubt.
Check it out. Worst fears confirmed! Our provincial government custodians of our steelhead (and trees and water and........) have already signed off. Who knew?! Perfect example of all that consultation and collaboration they keep promising.

Bob Hooton
If the link doesn't open just cut and paste this one and it's all there.