Originally posted by DHA
...Some folks have great success fishing super slow, basically showing the wire in a totally vertical position as an indicator that they are going the right speed. This can be a false positive of sorts, at least in terms that you may be going way too fast or even way too slow...this visual indicator depends greatly on the tidal currents in the zones that you are angling - I admit that there are many variables that can play into your success in catching chum consistently. I'll never profess to be a pro at doing it, and there are just way too many other anglers out on the pond who do extremely well - and much better than me.
Interesting method...have you tried that for sockeye? I suspect from what I think you are getting at here that the success is triggered from the affect of the sinker slowing down the roll of the flasher such that is is restricted to a shovel type movement side to side. Is that correct? Tx
Some observations during a few trips in my past where, as our main focus was on chinook salmon in and around Blood Bay in early Sept. Where on almost every turn coming out of the back of the bay, we'd consistently have a chum or two on the lines just after the turn. We were traveling at standard speeds commonly pushed for chinook and coho...obviously the slower more moderate speed was the trick.
Later on, a year or so passed - we found chum all over the surface around Bells Bay, McTush and Underwood...we tried every depth off the riggers with no success. My dad decided to use a four or a six ounce slip sinker in order to get the flasher down just under the surface. He had no luck for almost an hour...we varied our speed up and down, turned here and there. However, we did not hook a fish until my buddy made the mistake of lowering his gear down to the zone with the sinker set right at the head of his flasher.
Once we all recognized the success of his mistake as he was the only guy wackin' em, we all mimicked what he did - then one by one, two by two we started getting fish. It was just like sockeye fishing...
To this day we use this method both on and off the riggers in order to control the action of the flasher. What we try to accomplish is a steady side to side swooping similar to using a dodger.
...just some ideas to share, good luck.
DHA or DocasaHexaenoic Acid is an acronym for the resource that I cherish most in my life...there will come a day that all control and all that you love will change hands. Sit and do nothing, or stand and do something...that is the difference between developing substantial change or loosing all that you love.