Alberni Canal

Captain Dudds

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if there is much happening in the canal at the time? I heard the commercial guys slowed fishing last weekend. bummer.. anyways, i'm going to china creek either way this weekend, should I be running way up to Pill or have they moved a little further in now? any gear recommendatoins are appreciated as well.

Thanks Captain Dudds
Gillnetters last shot tonight (Thurday), Lone Tree in. I'd start at Lone Tree and work out. Been quite a few Large taken after the Derby this week, right up inside, and they must pass by there. I'll be out on the 24 foot Sea Ray Dream Weaver for the weekend. Planning Lone Tree to the Narrows, beyond only if neccessary. Give a wave if you see us!

Good Luck & Have FUN!

I'll be at China Creek all weekend, will wave, I'm in a 26 foot Campion Victoria, new boat for me, first time it's ever fished. Bloody thing better work, lol.
ok guys see you out there, i'm in a 18.5' explorer, green top, called the biz II. most ppl go on channel 6 out there?? whatever, i'll figure it out, good luck.

Thanks Captain Dudds
Good luck on your new boat, sounds like a dandy.Please post us on your luck fishing.I'm hoping to get up there next week.

thanks the runt
picked up a nice 25 pounder today at coulsons mill on anchovy, 15 feet deep. didnt see much else caught... probly switching my focus to coho for a few weeks then chum.
The weather couldn't have been better. Sunny and calm for 3 days, kind of surprising after the huge winds we had in Nanaimo Thursday night. Fishing was kind of spotty but it was okay. We ended up keeping 8 fish. Released several smaller keepers. Our largest was a 15.5 lb. coho. What a nice fish. Fished Assits Island and Pill Point, and then some in and around the line near Nahmint and down as far as Coulsons. I don't know where all the big fish are, we were in a Derby, and the largest was 29 with the next being 24. Lots in the teens.

Didn't see Noggin or Captain Dudds.

Caught one on a plug, one on a spoon and everything else on bait. Kind of weird, we usually hammer them on plugs at this time of the season.

Oh well , the new boat catches fish, and that's great news.
we fished pill point saturday, ended up with a 29, 23 and a 17, my cousins got the two bigger ones and got 1st and 3rd in the derby. i didn't see too many big fish taken, i think we just got a little lucky in that respect. sunday, it was alot slower at pill, we saw 1 spring taken so we left at about 9, then picked up the small one on the border near nahmint, i'm not sure what the name of the point is. anyways, they were all on anchovies at 70-80 feet. however, we saw an older fella at the dock cleaning his fish, and he had 4 springs and 4 coho, he said he got them on the other side of the china creek break water. 2nd place in the derby was a 26 and it was taken i think at lonetree on sunday so they are pretty far in now.
sorry i missed ya baddogg, i thought you were going to lonetree on saturday, and we were at pill so i didn't bother trying to radio you or anything. anyways, i'll probly head out of sooke this weekend so i'll probly see some of you out there,

Thanks Captain Dudds