Alaskan sport fishing ???

May saltwater fishery: Five King Salmon (one per day), two Halibut per day (no possession limit).

June/July: Five King Salmon (one per day), two *Halibut per day, up to six *Sockeye Salmon per day (no possession limit).

August/September: Up to six Silver Salmon per day, up to six Sockeye Salmon per day, up to six Pink Salmon per day, two Halibut per day. No possession limits during this time period.

No possession limits.....
Blue, I think you need to read their regs. I saw limits which had possession fewer than ours...
Although you may take a larger daily catch of salmon in Alaska than we can, you will see the annual limit for Kings or Chinooks as we call them is "3" if 28 inches or larger. I like our regs much better They also record all fish caught, and there are annual limits on most of them.
Sorry I pasted what was listed in the charter web page and not the State Regs.
I must be confused with the term "possession" as it applies to Alaska.
Possession in B.C. is two daily limits except for Hali's
It does bother me a bit to see all those BIG female Hali's hanging there. But, to each their own.
I fished up in Craig Alaska a few years ago and the catch limits were very restrictive. I also caught and released a huge hali weighing rouhly 260 lbs. The owner of the lodge came out and thanked me personally for doing that. He said he had been trying to get his guests to release the bigger ones for years. However when they were paying $7500.00 US to fish it was hard to tell them to let the big ones go. They all wanted to kill something big. Strange mentality if you ask me. Regards.
I dunno does anybody have any info on the mortality rate on big halis released? I can't imagine a 260lb hali would be in great shape after being pulled up 200 feet?

I'm not a hali fisherman though, so I could be out to lunch
Those brutes are tough as nails.
Haul one up to the surface and they just power back down like nothing, no stoppin' it.
Sometimes when you lose a fish all you have to do is lower the jig back down and he/she grabs it again, done it a number of times.
If it was a rockfish, then that'd be another story (swim bladder all distended). The butts don't have a swim bladder to worry about, so they do just fine.
They are tough as nails. Even the small ones are alive an hour after you have cut there gills. It is kind of a shame that they do keep the really big females what do you do with all that meat. I keep 4 or 5 chicken ones a year and we barely finshing them in a year and we eat it about once a week. But they are playing by the rules. I think they should have annual limits on all speices.