Halibut Stock Decline Forces Increased Management Measures for Southeast Alaska Charter Fleet
ScienceDaily (Mar. 13, 2011) — NOAA's Fisheries Service has announced it is implementing the regulatory recommendations of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) due to concerns over declining halibut stocks. These regulations include limiting the maximum size of a halibut caught by charter anglers in southeastern Alaska to 37 inches, and retaining the one-fish-per-person-per-day rule that began in 2009
one of ray troll's drawings says :
"No Fish-No Fishermen"
ray needs to do an new one:
"No Breeders-No Halibut"
i suspect that if each of us does not enforce our own personal 'slot' limit, the AK regs will simply move a click or two south.
ScienceDaily (Mar. 13, 2011) — NOAA's Fisheries Service has announced it is implementing the regulatory recommendations of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) due to concerns over declining halibut stocks. These regulations include limiting the maximum size of a halibut caught by charter anglers in southeastern Alaska to 37 inches, and retaining the one-fish-per-person-per-day rule that began in 2009
one of ray troll's drawings says :
"No Fish-No Fishermen"
ray needs to do an new one:
"No Breeders-No Halibut"
i suspect that if each of us does not enforce our own personal 'slot' limit, the AK regs will simply move a click or two south.