A Thanksgiving Give Away!


Staff member
With fall approaching and Thanksgiving on the horizon, someone is going to be extra thankful when they win this new to the market stainless steel downrigger spool!
Check out the details on the product in the Tackle Box forum (Click Here) and then get ready to enter the prize draw. To be entered into the draw, you simply have to tell us why you need or deserve to win this great prize package. Be creative in your response...tell us where and how you like to fish, why you think this product will benefit you, and share a picture of your rig, your setup, or a fish or two!

The draw will take place right after Thanksgiving on October 14. We look forward to seeing your entries.

Good luck!

I would love to win one of these!! I deserved to win because I didn’t get to go fishing this year. I love fishing and I’m sure it will help me catch that big one. … or two !!!
Hello all, I'm new to the forum but I have been lurking in the weeds here for years. I deserve to win one of these because I broke my spool at the sandheads fishing last week, of coarse it wasn't my fault because I wasn't driving the boat but we hit a crab line near the green can, snagged it bad, spent a half hour trying to save the gear which was not very successful - lost a ball, clip , flasher and a teaser head. Anyways after re rigging it all I found the downrigger didn't work very well either, it was hardly going down and kind of grinding on the way up after checking it I found the spool was warped and cracked . Anyways I'm done fishing for the year but I do need a new spool. It was a pretty good year of fishing and now its time to fix things and get ready for next year. Here's a funny pic for you thirsty guys hahaha.


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I want one not because I fish all the time and wear out my gear, but because the silver will match my boat better, and maybe I can tie a big hook or magnet to my down rigger line and go hunting for treasure. Or maybe I can hook a big chunk of bait to it and start sport fishing for sharks. The possibilities are endless!


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Here's three reason's why I deserve these things. A wise man once said to me, "if you haven't busted a few spools before, you haven't even started fishing yet."
