A couple of hammers today


Had a bumpy trip accross the channel to Cortez today. Got the lines wet and about 10 minutes in hit a big ball of bait. Boom, rod 2 pops off the clip, then rod #1. "DOUBLE!" We all yelled! Grabbed the rods and fought the small one 12lbs for about 5 minutes. Got it in the boat and watched the other fish dance across the surface for another 15 minutes. WOW! It's huge! Lost 4 more and saw a ton of bait! One other boat with us. No joke, lent him our scale so he could weigh his hog. 35 lbs. New leader for Campbell River this year, 4 lbs bigger than the last.



I love winter!!

That's an awesome looking fish that anyone would be proud to catch at any time, let alone in the winter. Great job.