Hi all, I'm looking for advice/thoughts from those who have upgraded from a 6hp to a 8/9.9HP? The 6hp tohatsu that came with my boat (2013 stabicraft 2050) had been mostly sitting for ~6-8 yrs before I purchased it, so It's been a constant maintenance battle to keep it functional. It's also a bit shorter then I'd like (comes up out of the water when trolling big swell), and I find it very loud. I typically just use the main (Honda 150) to troll, so I'm looking into getting a longer shaft 2 cylinder kicker. From the reading I've done, it sounds like the 2 cylinder kickers (8hp+) are noticably smoother... They also have the option for charging, which would be nice when trolling and running those downriggers all day. Now my dilemna is that the boat typically runs a little port-heavy already, and it looks like i'll be adding ~40-50lbs weight. For those who have run both, is there a noticable difference in sound/performance 6hp vs 8/9.9hp. And also, for those who have done the switch, did you notice the weight much? I'm not too concerned about the weight, as I can just shuffle stuff around to balance it out.
Oh ya, and for those who might also suggest a small DC generator and DC trolling motor... I'm not interested. I'm going to stick with the more traditional gas option
Oh ya, and for those who might also suggest a small DC generator and DC trolling motor... I'm not interested. I'm going to stick with the more traditional gas option