2100 mile 21 Day Alaska Trip


Active Member
Thought many of you would enjoy following along with 4 of our EagleCraft Boats 26' to 33' on a 21 day 2100 mile adventure to Alaska and back.

The link I am providing is to a website that is almost updated daily with pictures, stories and video's of there adventure as it happens.

Hope You Enjoy.

p.s. Please don't hesitate to post your comments.


Cheers ME
Cool pics and beauty boats. Love those daigle boats. I shouldn't admit that as I grew up in Coastal Crafts home. Very cool idea for a trip. The inside passage is awesome.
EagleCraft only sponsoured there send off dinner. These people hardly even know each other they just wanted to make there dreams a reality and felt it would be safer and more fun to travel as a group. Michele Reed one of the people on this trip thought it would be great to put together this blog site for everyone to follow along on their adventure. All I know is I wish I was along for the trip. [:p]

Cheers ME
Why didn't you tell us earlier and maybe some of could have gone along as stowaways. Ha Ha Looks like the trip of a lifetime.