It's official. The Sidney Anglers are going to hold a two day Derby March 26-27. First prize is $5,000.
Stay tuned for more prize information.
Here is a link to buy your boat ticket.
Limited to 50 boats. $200 a boat and the first 20 tickets have free moorage at North Saanich Marina. All proceeds go to Salmon Enhancement.
Salmon Enhancement Projects That Have Benefited From The Previous Event Include:
Stay tuned for more prize information.
Here is a link to buy your boat ticket.

Sidney Anglers Association
Since May 1977he Sidney Anglers Association (SAA) has been a group of fisherment and women in the lower Vancouver Island area.
Salmon Enhancement Projects That Have Benefited From The Previous Event Include:
- The Herring Spawning Enhancement Project
- Sea Change Society
- Brookman Shawnigan Creek Coho Project
- Cowichan Lake Salmonid Enhancement Society
- Penninsula Streams Society
- Sooke Watershed Enhancement
- Craigflower Creek Restoration
- Nanaimo Hatchery
- Nootka Sound Watershed Society
- Conuma Hatchery Creek Enhancement