
  1. Matthias

    G7 Nibral Volvo Duoprops

    I have a set of G7 Volvo Nibral Duoprops. No pitting, hubs in great shape.. They were rebalanced in 2017. I've downsized to G5's as I wasn't getting the rated RPM on my boat. $1,800
  2. gokart

    Mercury revolution 4 stainless propeller 15P RH

    Perfect condition no dings or marks. Flo-Torq II hub assembly kit included. $450
  3. Seagle

    WTB: Quicksilver Q4 or Revolution 4 14.6'x19

    I've heard these are the same thing. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. Franko Manini

    Propeller Choices - Suzuki 140, Thunderjet

    Hey folks, I've got a 20' Thunderjet Luxor (AKA the Falcon in Canada) that runs a Suzuki DF140. The current prop is the stock Suzuki 3 blade, 14" diameter, 21 pitch model. I'm happy with the boat's performance, but always looking to tweak it here and there. I was out a couple weeks ago and...