
  1. D

    Public docks downtown Vancouver?

    Are there any public docks for fishing in downtown Vancouver? I’ve seen people catch dogfish on docks but I don’t remember where.
  2. B

    Where to catch Dogfish in Vancouver?

    Hey guys, I just got into the hobby of fishing about 6 months ago, made my transition from freshwater fishing to saltwater just 2 months ago. Been loving these starry flounders and soles, but haven't caught a dogfish yet. Apparently there are a ton of these out there but I haven’t caught any...
  3. ILHG

    I think I caught a record Dogfish

    I caught this dog fish while at Haida Gwaii last summer. I looked up records & the biggest I seen was under 6'. Because it was so big I didn't want to kill it. So I cut the line & got her back right away. If I would have took the time to measure & record her it would have put more stress on her...