SFBC Donations

To all of our valued forum members:

As you’re all aware, the recent announcement from DFO on Chinook retention has had a dramatic effect on the saltwater recreational fishing sector. From lodge and charter operators, to that single sporty trolling a spoon from their 12-foot tinny off any of our many waterfronts, the decision of the federal government is being immediately felt. Also impacted is a vast array of businesses that support the Chinook fishery: hotels and restaurants, gas stations, tackle manufacturers, marine suppliers….the list is a long one. And somewhere down that list is yours truly, SportfishingBC.com.

When we launched our Crew Members program earlier this year, it was our hope we were building a program that would benefit our members and our business participants, while affording us enough income to maintain the site and help to support conservation of the resource. We are deeply appreciative of those of you who stepped up and purchased membership. While we still had a long way to go in achieving the financial results required to meet our goals, we remained optimistic that a positive outcome from DFO would spur many more to sign up with us. We will continue to grow the Crew Member program, but we now face the reality that without further support, SFBC risks ending a run that began over 20 years ago.

As what we hope won’t be a last resort, we have decided to put the future of this platform directly into the hands of our over 7000 registered forum users. Over the years, many of you have suggested we create a donation box for you to support the forum. Your donations will determine the survivability of what we feel has become a unique and friendly meeting ground on subjects of keen interest to those fishing BC’s waters and more. Exceptional culinary creations, beautifully rendered stories of fishing adventures, amazing boat builds, tips on methods and places willingly shared, encouragement and advice from complete strangers…these are just a few examples of what has kept us at it.

To date, we have been able to cover our costs. And for those of you who might ask, it’s well over 5 years since revenue from the site has provided a penny of personal gain. This has largely been a labour of love, similar to many of you who give of your time and energy to support our varied fisheries.

If you have questions about this appeal please message @Admin or email info[at]sportfishingbc.com and we will do our best to provide meaningful answers. It’s our sincere hope that you will see value in helping us to continue to provide a virtual home for your passion for fishing.
