Charlie White Shows

Charlie was a great guy, I knew him personally as a kid growing up. I'll be adding The Lure into my PEETZ museum as part of a spotlight on local tackle makers.


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Went to his packed shows back in the day as I think they took place at the Orpheum. Neat to see my first ever underwater. glimpse of a salmon admiring a flasher and CW lure. As well I distinctly remember a tyee passing by ignoring the lure. Awesome. Bought 1/2 dozen of those useless lures. Zero success as speed was the key as all we had in those days was the wake, a 16 ounce slip weight and 150 pulls. LOL
This could be the best fishing show I've seen. Brendan Morrison has some work to do if he wants to be like Charlie.
I agree. I prefer the humbleness of the old shows. Maybe it's just me but I'm kind of turned of my these 30-40 somethings with money to burn yipping and yahooing and not really showing any innovation. Maybe I'm just jealous?

I remember Charlie doing demo's with a crude fish tank set up in the Gordon Head K-Mart. Have recently tried but have never caught anything on the "Ultimate Charlie", though I don't have any of his special "Bilge Water" to sent it with.
The only books I checked out with my library card as a child were fishing books and Asterix and Obelisk comics. I learned about 75% of my fishing knowledge from the Charlie White books. I still have the visuals he provided in my mind on how to net salmon and dropping the rod tip down when a salmon jumps and charges by the side of the boat.
I agree. I prefer the humbleness of the old shows. Maybe it's just me but I'm kind of turned of my these 30-40 somethings with money to burn yipping and yahooing and not really showing any innovation. Maybe I'm just jealous?

I remember Charlie doing demo's with a crude fish tank set up in the Gordon Head K-Mart. Have recently tried but have never caught anything on the "Ultimate Charlie", though I don't have any of his special "Bilge Water" to sent it with.
They work better in terminal fisheries and sometimes just a little quicker trolled.
I see Charlie liked Formula X-10.
I think x-10 is no longer in production.
I just gave my last half bottle away to a bud for letting me go for a burn in his boat.
Hoping something new comes out that’s as good.
Didn't Charlie do a show (infomercial?) where he dipped his lure in Bilge Water and caught fish?
One of his first shows called Salmon Spectacular that played in the Museum theater in Victoria. He would narrate live through the movie and explain what was happening in the scenes. The product Bilgewater was born from that show, the formula later changed and then rebranded to the name X10.
I agree. I prefer the humbleness of the old shows. Maybe it's just me but I'm kind of turned of my these 30-40 somethings with money to burn yipping and yahooing and not really showing any innovation. Maybe I'm just jealous?

I remember Charlie doing demo's with a crude fish tank set up in the Gordon Head K-Mart. Have recently tried but have never caught anything on the "Ultimate Charlie", though I don't have any of his special "Bilge Water" to sent it with.
You nailed it with the humbleness, he's obviously really good at fishing but never tries to out do the guides. The cooking tips are cool and the guide tips he has on every show. There are 3 out now as far as I can find.
I grew up watching Charlie's shows on CHEK and reading some of his books later on, but I was surprised that none of his media had shown up on Youtube yet.

Well that has changed now and they're releasing new episodes every week or so.

Thanks for Posting. I remember watching a movie of his back in the day where he was using his underwear camera.